The phrase "unprecedented times" has become common place but also the best way to describe this new normal in which we now find ourselves.I have a glass head on my entry table affectionately named "Ursula". Ursula serves as our family mascot. My spouse likes to have Ursula hold his sun glasses for him, she has donned Santa Hsts and sported ball caps. In the midst of the Covid-19 lockdown I felt it only appropriate to have her wear my I-95 mask. Over the past few months my spouse worked from home and I was home on a leave from real estate. Spending so much time at home made me fully realize how much I LOVE where I live. Home represented more than just four walls and a roof it was indeed a peaceful refuge from the storms of life. A place to unwind, relax and rejuvenate in both mind, body and spirit. My husband is now back at work and I am now back to real estate with an increased appreciation and understanding of the significance of home and the importance of the unique fit of personal space to taste, lifestyle and culture. I have come out of this experience with the desire to help others find their own unique and perfect place. Perhaps these past months have caused you to realize that you need a change of scenery, a smaller home, a bigger home, a patio, a finished basement or bigger yard ....Whether it's buying or selling it would be my pleasure to help you make that sale or find that perfect fit.